Distribution of Side Dishes for Orphans and Underprivileged Children

The number of orphans and underprivileged children who require special attention during their developmental period is significant. Their simple living conditions in orphanages often lead to nutritional deficiencies among the children. This complex situation primarily affects their physical growth, susceptibility to illness, organ growth disturbances, intellectual retardation, and later, poses risks of low work productivity.

DAIGI is here to assist in supplementing professionally prepared side dishes, aiming to achieve:

  • Side dishes that are nutritious, rich in protein, healthy, safe, clean, delicious, and halal.
  • Frozen packaged side dishes, and
  • Processed with controlled production standards.

Nutritious side dishes will be distributed to orphans and underprivileged children both inside and outside orphanages. It's time for us to help meet their nutritional needs and save them by participating in the Nutrition Donation program. Donate your best contribution to save the nutrition of Indonesian children.

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