Sharing Knowledge and Playing

Learning Together with a Playful Atmosphere to Enhance Social, Cognitive Intelligence, and Independence. Children are the next generation and heirs to the nation's dreams, destined to become quality Human Resources (HR). Family disintegration and low economic conditions greatly impact the children's learning process and development. Therefore, proper guidance is essential for children to face the future and their social environment.

In addition to providing material assistance, DAIGI also channels aid through educational play programs as a form of guidance for orphans and underprivileged children.

DAIGI enhances cognitive intelligence combined with a fun playing atmosphere for orphans and underprivileged children in collaboration with Swayanaka (Student Care for Children). Activities include:

  • Training for the improvement of Tauhid (Islamic monotheism) and faith.
  • Training in manners and etiquette.
  • Training in honesty and discipline.
  • Training in cooperation and respecting peers.
  • Training in courage to express opinions.
  • Cooking and sports competitions for individuals/groups.

Let's together prepare the future generation of our nation by equipping them with valuable skills for the times ahead.

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